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Meetup is a virtual meeting platform on Edupora that enables learners and educators to connect with each other, host live sessions, and collaborate on projects in real-time. It provides a seamless and interactive way for students to learn from experts and mentors, get feedback on their work, and engage with their peers.

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A feature that allows users to create and share educational content in various formats such as text, images, and videos. It provides a platform for learners and educators to share their thoughts, insights, and ideas, ask and answer questions, and build a community around a specific topic or subject.

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PoraFood allows students to find quality and affordable food options around their schools. It provides a space for students to share their experiences and reviews of local food vendors, while also learning about the importance of healthy eating in supporting their educational process.

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The introduction of PoraRide on EDUPORA is currently under discussion, and further details about its implementation and functionality will be shared with the EDUPORA community once the feature is finalized. It is an exciting development that has the potential to enhance the overall experience of students and businesses on EDUPORA, promoting connectivity and collaboration within the community.

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PoraVault is a secure and reliable cloud storage platform built into Edupora. It provides students and educators with a safe and convenient way to store, organize, and access their course materials, notes, and projects from anywhere, anytime.
